Audience Response

Audience response is how people understand and interpret media based on their own experiences, beliefs, and feelings.


Audience Response

This topic was covered in the Target Audience module, but to recap, audience response is how audiences understand and interpret media, like TV shows, movies, adverts, and news. Everyone sees things differently based on their own experiences, beliefs, and feelings. There are three main ways people might interpret media:

  • Preferred Reading is when the audience understands and agrees with what the media is trying to say. This type of consumer would be known as a passive audience.
  • Negotiated Reading is when the audience understands the message but has their own opinion. They might agree with some parts but disagree with others. This type of consumer would be known as an active audience.
  • Oppositional Reading is when the audience understands the message but completely disagrees with it. This type of consumer would also be known as an active audience.

Be in Your Mate's Corner

Be in Your Mate's Corner is a mental health campaign launched by Time to Change, aimed to encourage men to support their friends facing mental health challenges by fostering open conversations and reducing stigma.

Take a look at the media text below. What is the preferred reading, negotiated reading and oppositional reading?

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